Blog Archives

The Things Network Hosts it’s first Virtual Conference

In case you haven’t heard, The Things Network is hosting its first virtual conference starting tomorrow – 16th April – for 2 days  !!! The Things Network is a global community driven effort to provide a low/no cost IoT network

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LoRaWAN FOTA Breakthrough

The Things Network have recently announced a major breakthrough in solving one of the biggest challenges of LoRaWAN: “Firmware Over-the-Air” (FOTA or FUOTA) updates – a killer feature that allows IoT deployed devices in the field to be updated remotely.  One of the

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TTN Lancaster moves to Production Servers

Following on from our recent post announcing that The Things Network production platform has now gone live, we are please to report we have successfully migrated our TTN Lancaster kit to v2.0, with our Multitech Conduit 210L gateways.  We are currently

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The Things Network Production Platform “v2” Goes Live !

During December 2016, our friends over at The Things Network (TTN) successfully launched their production platform “v2”.  This will further enable their free to use community driven Internet of Things platform for LoRaWAN based Internet of Things tech. The production platform aka “v2” includes:

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