Monthly Archives: November 2017

Cyber Monday & Internet of Insecure Things ?

We hope everyone had a good Cyber Monday and bought lots of cool, discounted tech off the Web.  The question is have you inadvertently invited a criminal or foreign government into your house ? As more products become Web enabled,

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Say hello to Ben !!

Milliamp is please to announce our newest recruit, Ben Coote, who has recently joined our team as Junior Design Engineer. Ben started experimenting with engineering at the age of 12 with his school STEM group as an electronics student, creating

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Milliamp visits Halton Hydro scheme

Last week we took a trip to see Halton Hydro, the biggest community hydro scheme in England that is conveniently located on our doorstep 2 miles from Lancaster on the River Lune. John Blowes from the management team kindly showed

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